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User management

A Cerbos Hub user can have a role at the organization level and an optional set of roles for each workspace. All of these roles are considered when determining the permissions for any particular user.

Organization roles

Organization roles, except for the Member role, apply to all workspaces within the organization. Users with organizational role of Member must be explicitly granted workspace roles in order to access a workspace.

Action Owner Developer Analyst Viewer Member

View organization

Modify organization

Manage members

Invite a member

Create a workspace

Create a playground

Update a playground

Delete a playground

Export a playground

Connect a PDP to a playground

Workspace Roles

Permissions assigned at the organization level are inherited by all workspaces. Additionally, a user can be assigned specific roles within a workspace, potentially granting more permissions for that particular workspace only.

Action Owner Developer Analyst Viewer

View a workspace

View builds

View decision points

View issues

View audit logs

Manage API keys

Reset encryption key

Manage workspace members

Modify workspace

Delete a workspace