Deploy Cerbos to Cloud platforms

This documentation is for a previous version of Cerbos. Choose 0.39.0 from the version picker at the top right or navigate to for the latest version.

You can deploy Cerbos on as a Fly Launch app. The following fly.toml file shows how to deploy Cerbos with healthchecks and metrics:

app = '<APPLICATION_NAME>' (1)
primary_region = '<REGION>' (2)

  image = ''

  source = 'policies'
  destination = '/policies'
  initial_size = '1GB'

  protocol = ''
  internal_port = 3592

    port = 3592
    handlers = ['tls', 'http']

    interval = '5s'
    timeout = '2s'
    grace_period = '5s'
    method = 'get'
    path = '/_cerbos/health'
    protocol = 'http'

  protocol = ''
  internal_port = 3593

    port = 3593
    handlers = ['tls']

      alpn = ['h2']

  memory = '1gb'
  cpu_kind = 'shared'
  cpus = 1

  port = 3592
  path = "/_cerbos/metrics"
1 The name of the Fly App
2 Pick a region

The example above launches a Cerbos instance with the minimal configuration using an empty Fly volume mounted as the policy directory. For production use cases, consider using one of the following methods for policy storage.

Your host or service for an application should be listening on the right address within the VM: Fly Proxy reaches services through a private IPv4 address on each VM, so the process should listen on<port> (but see A note on IPv4 and IPv6 wildcards).
Cerbos can be configured entirely from the command line using --set flags. On the platform, they can be set by overriding the cmd setting in the experimental section of the fly.toml file.

Using Tigris as a policy repository

Cerbos blob driver can be used with any S3-compatible blob storage backend such as Tigris.

Create a storage bucket on Tigris. Refer to for more information about creating storage buckets.

flyctl storage create

Note down the credentials for accessing the bucket and save them as application secrets.

flyctl apps create <APPLICATION_NAME> (1)
flyctl secrets set --app=<APPLICATION_NAME> AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=tid_XXXXXX (2)
flyctl secrets set --app=<APPLICATION_NAME> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=tsec_XXXXXX (3)
1 Your application name on
2 Tigris key ID
3 Tigris secret access key

Create a fly.toml file.

app = '<APPLICATION_NAME>' (1)
primary_region = '<REGION>' (2)

  image = ''

  cmd = [
    '--set', 'storage.driver=blob',
    '--set', 'storage.blob.bucket=s3://<BUCKET_NAME>?', (3)
    '--set', 'storage.blob.downloadTimeout=30s',
    '--set', 'storage.blob.prefix=policies',
    '--set', 'storage.blob.updatePollInterval=15s',
    '--set', 'storage.blob.workDir=/policies'

  source = 'policies'
  destination = '/policies'
  initial_size = '1GB'

  protocol = ''
  internal_port = 3592
  auto_stop_machines = true

    port = 3592
    handlers = ['tls', 'http']

    interval = '5s'
    timeout = '2s'
    grace_period = '5s'
    method = 'get'
    path = '/_cerbos/health'
    protocol = 'http'

  protocol = ''
  internal_port = 3593
  auto_stop_machines = true

    port = 3593
    handlers = ['tls']

      alpn = ['h2']

  memory = '1gb'
  cpu_kind = 'shared'
  cpus = 1

  port = 3592
  path = "/_cerbos/metrics"
1 The name of the Fly App
2 Pick a region
3 Storage bucket name

Deploy the app.

flyctl deploy

Using LiteFS as a policy repository’s distributed SQLite storage layer LiteFS can be used for policy storage using Cerbos' sqlite3 driver.

Start by creating an app on

flyctl apps create <APPLICATION_NAME>

Create a LiteFS configuration file named litefs.yml.

  dir: "/var/lib/litefs"

  - cmd: "/cerbos server --set=storage.driver=sqlite3 --set=storage.sqlite3.dsn=file:/litefs/db --set=server.adminAPI.enabled=true --set=server.adminAPI.adminCredentials.username=$CERBOS_ADMIN_USER --set=server.adminAPI.adminCredentials.passwordHash=$CERBOS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_HASH"

exit-on-error: false

  dir: "/litefs"

  advertise-url: "http://${FLY_ALLOC_ID}.vm.${FLY_APP_NAME}.internal:20202"
  candidate: ${FLY_REGION == PRIMARY_REGION}
    url: "${FLY_CONSUL_URL}"
    key: "${FLY_APP_NAME}/primary"
  promote: true
  type: "consul"
Refer to Configuring LiteFS documentation for other available configuration parameters.

Create a Dockerfile.

FROM flyio/litefs:0.5 AS litefs

FROM AS cerbos

FROM alpine:3.16 AS base
RUN apk add fuse3 sqlite
ADD litefs.yml /etc/litefs.yml
COPY --from=cerbos /cerbos /cerbos
COPY --from=litefs /usr/local/bin/litefs /usr/local/bin/litefs

ENTRYPOINT ["litefs"]
CMD ["mount"]

Create a fly.toml file to launch Cerbos.

app = '<APPLICATION_NAME>' (1)
primary_region = '<REGION>' (2)

  dockerfile = "Dockerfile"

  source = "litefs"
  destination = "/var/lib/litefs" (3)

  protocol = ''
  internal_port = 3592

    port = 3592
    handlers = ['tls', 'http']

    interval = '5s'
    timeout = '2s'
    grace_period = '5s'
    method = 'get'
    path = '/_cerbos/health'
    protocol = 'http'

  protocol = ''
  internal_port = 3593

    port = 3593
    handlers = ['tls']

      alpn = ['h2']

  memory = '1gb'
  cpu_kind = 'shared'
  cpus = 1

  port = 3592
  path = "/_cerbos/metrics"
1 The name of the Fly App
2 Pick a region
3 Destination must be equal to the one specified in the litefs.yaml

Create secrets to hold Cerbos Admin API credentials. Refer to password hash generation instructions to learn how to generate the password hash.


Attach to Consul to manage LiteFS leases.

flyctl consul attach
See lease configuration for more information about Consul leases on

Finally, deploy Cerbos.

flyctl deploy

You can interact with the Cerbos Admin API using one of the Cerbos SDKs or the cerbosctl utility to manage the policies stored on LiteFS.

List policies with cerbosctl
cerbosctl \
  --server=<APPLICATION_NAME> \
  --username=<ADMIN_USER_NAME> \
  --password=<ADMIN_PASSWORD> \
  get rp
Put a policy or a directory consisting of multiple policies with cerbosctl
cerbosctl \
  --server=<APPLICATION_NAME> \
  --username=<ADMIN_USER_NAME> \
  --password=<ADMIN_PASSWORD> \
  put policies -R \