
This documentation is for a previous version of Cerbos. Choose 0.39.0 from the version picker at the top right or navigate to for the latest version.

Cerbos developers rely on anonymous usage data to help prioritise new features and improve the product. The information collected is completely anonymous, never shared with external entities, and you can opt out at any time.

What kind of data is collected?

  • Cerbos build information like version, commit and build date

  • Operating system type and architecture

  • Enabled Cerbos features (storage backend type and schema enforcement level are some examples of this information)

  • Aggregated statistics about the policies like the total number of policies and average number of rules in a policy

  • Aggregated statistics about Cerbos API calls and the gRPC user agents.

You can view the full schema of the telemetry data on GitHub or on the Buf schema registry.

We use Rudderstack to collect the data. Only a small number of Zenauth (the company leading the development of Cerbos) employees have access to the data.

How to disable telemetry collection

There are multiple ways in which you can disable telemetry collection.

Use the configuration file

Set telemetry.disabled: true in the Cerbos configuration file.

  disabled: true

Set an environment variable

Set CERBOS_NO_TELEMETRY=1 or CERBOS_NO_TELEMETRY=true in your environment. We also honour the DO_NOT_TRACK environment variable if it exists.

With the binary
CERBOS_NO_TELEMETRY=1 ./cerbos server --config=/path/to/.cerbos.yaml
With the container
docker run -i -t -p 3592:3592 \

Through the command line

Start Cerbos with --set=telemetry.disabled=true command line flag.

With the binary
./cerbos server --config=/path/to/.cerbos.yaml --set=telemetry.disabled=true
With the container
docker run -i -t -p 3592:3592 \ \
    server --set=telemetry.disabled=true