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Cerbos v0.10.0


This release is about making Cerbos easier to install and try out. In addition to the existing container images, binaries and Helm charts, Cerbos can now be installed using Homebrew and DEB or RPM packages as well. We have also added documentation and recipes for running Cerbos on the AWS Lambda platform and as a Systemd service on Linux.


Bug Fixes

  • Updates URL to download Cerbos binaries (#422)


  • Homebrew formula (#428)

  • Linux packages (#424)


  • Better errors when disabled services are accessed (#420)

  • Provide issue submission link for panics at cerbosctl (#283)


  • Add AWS Lambda deployment option (#433)

  • Generate docs from branches (#435)


  • Add nightly multi-OS test workflow (#427)

  • Bump bufbuild/buf-setup-action from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 (#409)

  • Bump bufbuild/buf-setup-action from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#437)

  • Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.40.34 to 1.41.19 (#426)

  • Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.41.11 to 1.41.14 (#410)

  • Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.41.19 to 1.42.4 (#438)

  • Bump github.com/google/gops from 0.3.21 to 0.3.22 (#413)

  • Bump github.com/lestrrat-go/jwx from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9 (#414)

  • Bump github.com/tidwall/sjson from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (#411)

  • Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.41.0 to 1.42.0 (#419)

  • Bump modernc.org/sqlite from 1.13.1 to 1.13.3 (#416)

  • Bump modernc.org/sqlite from 1.13.3 to 1.14.1 (#439)

  • Bump version to 0.10.0

  • Cleanup Goreleaser configuration (#429)

  • Configure semantic commit prefixes (#423)

  • Disable test matrix and Windows build (#430)

  • Remove outdated Docker dependencies (#425)

  • Run PR workflow for backports (#436)


  • Fix passwordHash in full configuration doc (#434)