Download OpenAPI specification:Download
[Deprecated: Use CheckResources API instead] Check whether a principal has permissions to perform the given actions on a set of resource instances.
PDP Request
requestId | string Optional application-specific ID useful for correlating logs for analysis. |
actions required | Array of strings non-empty unique List of actions being performed on the set of resources. |
required | object (enginev1Principal) A person or application attempting to perform the actions on the set of resources. |
required | object (v1ResourceSet) Set of resources to check |
includeMeta | boolean Opt to receive request processing metadata in the response. |
object (cerbosrequestv1AuxData) Structured auxiliary data useful for evaluating the request |
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "actions": [
- "view:public",
- "comment"
], - "principal": {
- "id": "bugs_bunny",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "roles": [
- "user"
], - "attr": {
- "beta_tester": true
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "resource": {
- "kind": "album:object",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "instances": {
- "XX125": {
- "attr": {
- "owner": "bugs_bunny",
- "public": false,
- "flagged": false
}, - "XX225": {
- "attr": {
- "owner": "daffy_duck",
- "public": true,
- "flagged": false
}, - "scope": "^(a]w\\-]*(\\.w\\-]*)*)*$"
}, - "includeMeta": true,
- "auxData": {
- "jwt": {
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCIsImtpZCI6IjE5TGZaYXRFZGc4M1lOYzVyMjNndU1KcXJuND0iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiY2VyYm9zLWp3dC10ZXN0cyJdLCJjdXN0b21BcnJheSI6WyJBIiwiQiIsIkMiXSwiY3VzdG9tSW50Ijo0MiwiY3VzdG9tTWFwIjp7IkEiOiJBQSIsIkIiOiJCQiIsIkMiOiJDQyJ9LCJjdXN0b21TdHJpbmciOiJmb29iYXIiLCJleHAiOjE5NDk5MzQwMzksImlzcyI6ImNlcmJvcy10ZXN0LXN1aXRlIn0.WN_tOScSpd_EI-P5EI1YlagxEgExSfBjAtcrgcF6lyWj1lGpR_GKx9goZEp2p_t5AVWXN_bjz_sMUmJdJa4cVd55Qm1miR-FKu6oNRHnSEWdMFmnArwPw-YDJWfylLFX",
- "keySetId": "my-keyset"
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "resourceInstances": {
- "XX125": {
- "actions": {
- "view:*": "EFFECT_ALLOW",
- "comment": "EFFECT_ALLOW"
}, - "XX225": {
- "actions": {
- "view:*": "EFFECT_DENY",
- "comment": "EFFECT_DENY"
}, - "meta": {
- "resourceInstances": {
- "XX125": {
- "actions": {
- "view:*": {
- "matched_policy": "album:object:default"
}, - "comment": {
- "matched_policy": "album:object:default"
}, - "effective_derived_roles": [
- "owner"
}, - "XX225": {
- "actions": {
- "view:*": {
- "matched_policy": "album:object:default"
}, - "comment": {
- "matched_policy": "album:object:default"
Check a principal's permissions to a batch of heterogeneous resources and actions.
Check resources request
requestId | string Optional application-specific ID useful for correlating logs for analysis. |
includeMeta | boolean Add request processing metadata to the response. |
required | object (enginev1Principal) A person or application attempting to perform the actions on the set of resources. |
required | Array of objects (CheckResourcesRequestResourceEntry) non-empty unique List of resources and actions. |
object (cerbosrequestv1AuxData) Structured auxiliary data useful for evaluating the request |
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "includeMeta": true,
- "principal": {
- "id": "bugs_bunny",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "roles": [
- "user"
], - "attr": {
- "beta_tester": true
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "resources": [
- {
- "actions": [
- "view",
- "comment"
], - "resource": {
- "kind": "album:object",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "id": "XX125",
- "attr": {
- "owner": "bugs_bunny",
- "public": false,
- "flagged": false
], - "auxData": {
- "jwt": {
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCIsImtpZCI6IjE5TGZaYXRFZGc4M1lOYzVyMjNndU1KcXJuND0iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiY2VyYm9zLWp3dC10ZXN0cyJdLCJjdXN0b21BcnJheSI6WyJBIiwiQiIsIkMiXSwiY3VzdG9tSW50Ijo0MiwiY3VzdG9tTWFwIjp7IkEiOiJBQSIsIkIiOiJCQiIsIkMiOiJDQyJ9LCJjdXN0b21TdHJpbmciOiJmb29iYXIiLCJleHAiOjE5NDk5MzQwMzksImlzcyI6ImNlcmJvcy10ZXN0LXN1aXRlIn0.WN_tOScSpd_EI-P5EI1YlagxEgExSfBjAtcrgcF6lyWj1lGpR_GKx9goZEp2p_t5AVWXN_bjz_sMUmJdJa4cVd55Qm1miR-FKu6oNRHnSEWdMFmnArwPw-YDJWfylLFX",
- "keySetId": "my-keyset"
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "results": [
- {
- "resource": {
- "Id": "XX125",
- "kind": "album:object"
}, - "actions": {
- "view": "EFFECT_ALLOW",
- "comment": "EFFECT_DENY"
], - "cerbosCallId": "string"
[Deprecated: Use CheckResources API instead] Check a principal's permissions to a batch of heterogeneous resources and actions.
PDP Request
requestId | string Optional application-specific ID useful for correlating logs for analysis. |
required | object (enginev1Principal) A person or application attempting to perform the actions on the set of resources. |
required | Array of objects (CheckResourceBatchRequestBatchEntry) non-empty unique List of resources and actions. |
object (cerbosrequestv1AuxData) Structured auxiliary data useful for evaluating the request |
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "principal": {
- "id": "bugs_bunny",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "roles": [
- "user"
], - "attr": {
- "beta_tester": true
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "resources": [
- {
- "actions": [
- "view",
- "comment"
], - "resource": {
- "kind": "album:object",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "id": "XX125",
- "attr": {
- "owner": "bugs_bunny",
- "public": false,
- "flagged": false
], - "auxData": {
- "jwt": {
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCIsImtpZCI6IjE5TGZaYXRFZGc4M1lOYzVyMjNndU1KcXJuND0iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiY2VyYm9zLWp3dC10ZXN0cyJdLCJjdXN0b21BcnJheSI6WyJBIiwiQiIsIkMiXSwiY3VzdG9tSW50Ijo0MiwiY3VzdG9tTWFwIjp7IkEiOiJBQSIsIkIiOiJCQiIsIkMiOiJDQyJ9LCJjdXN0b21TdHJpbmciOiJmb29iYXIiLCJleHAiOjE5NDk5MzQwMzksImlzcyI6ImNlcmJvcy10ZXN0LXN1aXRlIn0.WN_tOScSpd_EI-P5EI1YlagxEgExSfBjAtcrgcF6lyWj1lGpR_GKx9goZEp2p_t5AVWXN_bjz_sMUmJdJa4cVd55Qm1miR-FKu6oNRHnSEWdMFmnArwPw-YDJWfylLFX",
- "keySetId": "my-keyset"
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "results": [
- {
- "resourceId": "XX125",
- "actions": {
- "view": "EFFECT_ALLOW"
Produce a query plan with conditions that must be satisfied for accessing a set of instances of a resource
PDP Resources Query Plan Request
requestId | string Optional application-specific ID useful for correlating logs for analysis. |
action required | string Action to be applied to each resource in the list. |
required | object (enginev1Principal) A person or application attempting to perform the actions on the set of resources. |
required | object (v1PlanResourcesInputResource) |
object (cerbosrequestv1AuxData) Structured auxiliary data useful for evaluating the request | |
includeMeta | boolean Opt to receive request processing metadata in the response. |
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "action": "view:public",
- "principal": {
- "id": "bugs_bunny",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "roles": [
- "user"
], - "attr": {
- "beta_tester": true
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "resource": {
- "kind": "album:object",
- "attr": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "policyVersion": "default",
- "scope": "^(a]w\\-]*(\\.w\\-]*)*)*$"
}, - "auxData": {
- "jwt": {
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCIsImtpZCI6IjE5TGZaYXRFZGc4M1lOYzVyMjNndU1KcXJuND0iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiY2VyYm9zLWp3dC10ZXN0cyJdLCJjdXN0b21BcnJheSI6WyJBIiwiQiIsIkMiXSwiY3VzdG9tSW50Ijo0MiwiY3VzdG9tTWFwIjp7IkEiOiJBQSIsIkIiOiJCQiIsIkMiOiJDQyJ9LCJjdXN0b21TdHJpbmciOiJmb29iYXIiLCJleHAiOjE5NDk5MzQwMzksImlzcyI6ImNlcmJvcy10ZXN0LXN1aXRlIn0.WN_tOScSpd_EI-P5EI1YlagxEgExSfBjAtcrgcF6lyWj1lGpR_GKx9goZEp2p_t5AVWXN_bjz_sMUmJdJa4cVd55Qm1miR-FKu6oNRHnSEWdMFmnArwPw-YDJWfylLFX",
- "keySetId": "my-keyset"
}, - "includeMeta": true
{- "requestId": "c2db17b8-4f9f-4fb1-acfd-9162a02be42b",
- "action": "view:public",
- "resourceKind": "album:object",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "filter": {
- "condition": {
- "value": null,
- "expression": {
- "operator": "string",
- "operands": [
- { }
}, - "variable": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "filterDebug": "string",
- "matchedScope": "acme.corp.base"
}, - "validationErrors": [
- {
- "path": "string",
- "message": "string",
], - "cerbosCallId": "string"
kind required | string Enum: "KIND_UNSPECIFIED" "KIND_ACCESS" "KIND_DECISION" Kind of log entry |
tail | integer <int64> Last N entries. |
between.start required | string <date-time> Start date in ISO 8601 format. |
between.end required | string <date-time> End date in ISO 8601 format. |
since | string Entries since N hours/minutes ago |
lookup | string^[0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ]{26}$ By Call ID |
{- "result": {
- "accessLogEntry": {
- "callId": "string",
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "peer": {
- "address": "string",
- "authInfo": "string",
- "userAgent": "string",
- "forwardedFor": "string"
}, - "metadata": {
- "property1": {
- "values": [
- "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "values": [
- "string"
}, - "method": "string",
- "statusCode": 0
}, - "decisionLogEntry": {
- "callId": "string",
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "peer": {
- "address": "string",
- "authInfo": "string",
- "userAgent": "string",
- "forwardedFor": "string"
}, - "inputs": [
- {
- "requestId": "string",
- "resource": {
- "kind": "album:photo",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "id": "XX125",
- "attr": {
- "owner": "bugs_bunny"
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "principal": {
- "id": "bugs_bunny",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "roles": [
- "user"
], - "attr": {
- "beta_tester": true
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "actions": [
- "string"
], - "auxData": {
- "jwt": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "outputs": [
- {
- "requestId": "string",
- "resourceId": "string",
- "actions": {
- "property1": {
- "policy": "string",
- "scope": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "policy": "string",
- "scope": "string"
}, - "effectiveDerivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "validationErrors": [
- {
- "path": "string",
- "message": "string",
], - "outputs": [
- {
- "src": "resource.expense.v1/acme#rule-001",
- "val": "some_string"
], - "error": "string",
- "checkResources": {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "requestId": "string",
- "resource": {
- "kind": "album:photo",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "id": "XX125",
- "attr": {
- "owner": "bugs_bunny"
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "principal": {
- "id": "bugs_bunny",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "roles": [
- "user"
], - "attr": {
- "beta_tester": true
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "actions": [
- "string"
], - "auxData": {
- "jwt": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "outputs": [
- {
- "requestId": "string",
- "resourceId": "string",
- "actions": {
- "property1": {
- "policy": "string",
- "scope": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "policy": "string",
- "scope": "string"
}, - "effectiveDerivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "validationErrors": [
- {
- "path": "string",
- "message": "string",
], - "outputs": [
- {
- "src": "resource.expense.v1/acme#rule-001",
- "val": "some_string"
], - "error": "string"
}, - "planResources": {
- "input": {
- "requestId": "string",
- "action": "string",
- "principal": {
- "id": "bugs_bunny",
- "policyVersion": "default",
- "roles": [
- "user"
], - "attr": {
- "beta_tester": true
}, - "scope": "acme.corp"
}, - "resource": {
- "kind": "album:object",
- "attr": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "policyVersion": "default",
- "scope": "^(a]w\\-]*(\\.w\\-]*)*)*$"
}, - "auxData": {
- "jwt": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "includeMeta": true
}, - "output": {
- "requestId": "string",
- "action": "string",
- "kind": "string",
- "policyVersion": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "filter": {
- "condition": {
- "value": null,
- "expression": {
- "operator": "string",
- "operands": [
- { }
}, - "variable": "string"
}, - "filterDebug": "string",
- "validationErrors": [
- {
- "path": "string",
- "message": "string",
}, - "error": "string"
}, - "metadata": {
- "property1": {
- "values": [
- "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "values": [
- "string"
}, - "auditTrail": {
- "effectivePolicies": {
- "property1": {
- "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "property2": {
- "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "error": {
- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "details": [
- {
- "@type": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
includeDisabled | boolean Include disabled policies |
nameRegexp | string Filter policies by name with regexp |
scopeRegexp | string Filter policies by scope with regexp |
versionRegexp | string Filter policies by version with regexp |
policyId | Array of strings For blob, disk, git stores use file name ( |
{- "policyIds": [
- "string"
includeDisabled | boolean Include disabled policies |
nameRegexp | string Filter policies by name with regexp |
scopeRegexp | string Filter policies by scope with regexp |
versionRegexp | string Filter policies by version with regexp |
policyId | Array of strings For blob, disk, git stores use file name ( |
{- "results": {
- "property1": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
], - "variables": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "used": true
], - "policyId": "string",
- "derivedRoles": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "string"
], - "attributes": [
- {
- "name": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
], - "variables": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "used": true
], - "policyId": "string",
- "derivedRoles": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "source": "string"
], - "attributes": [
- {
- "name": "string"
id required | Array of strings For blob, disk, git stores use file name ( |
{- "policies": [
- {
- "apiVersion": "string",
- "disabled": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "sourceFile": "string",
- "annotations": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "hash": "string",
- "storeIdentifer": "string",
- "storeIdentifier": "string",
- "sourceAttributes": {
- "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "resourcePolicy": {
- "resource": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "importDerivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "rules": [
- {
- "actions": [
- "string"
], - "derivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "roles": [
- "string"
], - "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "any": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "none": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "expr": "string"
}, - "script": "string"
}, - "effect": "EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED",
- "name": "string",
- "output": {
- "expr": "string",
- "when": {
- "ruleActivated": "string",
- "conditionNotMet": "string"
], - "scope": "string",
- "schemas": {
- "principalSchema": {
- "ref": "string",
- "ignoreWhen": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
}, - "resourceSchema": {
- "ref": "string",
- "ignoreWhen": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
}, - "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "principalPolicy": {
- "principal": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "rules": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "string",
- "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": null,
- "any": null,
- "none": null,
- "expr": null
}, - "script": "string"
}, - "effect": "EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED",
- "name": "string",
- "output": {
- "expr": "string",
- "when": {
- "ruleActivated": null,
- "conditionNotMet": null
], - "scope": "string",
- "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "derivedRoles": {
- "name": "string",
- "definitions": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "parentRoles": [
- "string"
], - "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "any": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "none": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "expr": "string"
}, - "script": "string"
], - "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "exportVariables": {
- "name": "string",
- "definitions": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "rolePolicy": {
- "role": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "rules": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "permissibleActions": [
- "string"
}, - "variables": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "$schema": "string"
Add/update policy request
required | Array of objects (v1Policy) [ 1 .. 100 ] items List of policies. |
{- "policies": [
- {
- "apiVersion": "string",
- "disabled": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "sourceFile": "string",
- "annotations": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "hash": "string",
- "storeIdentifer": "string",
- "storeIdentifier": "string",
- "sourceAttributes": {
- "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "resourcePolicy": {
- "resource": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "importDerivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "rules": [
- {
- "actions": [
- "string"
], - "derivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "roles": [
- "string"
], - "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "any": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "none": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "expr": "string"
}, - "script": "string"
}, - "effect": "EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED",
- "name": "string",
- "output": {
- "expr": "string",
- "when": {
- "ruleActivated": "string",
- "conditionNotMet": "string"
], - "scope": "string",
- "schemas": {
- "principalSchema": {
- "ref": "string",
- "ignoreWhen": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
}, - "resourceSchema": {
- "ref": "string",
- "ignoreWhen": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
}, - "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "principalPolicy": {
- "principal": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "rules": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "string",
- "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": null,
- "any": null,
- "none": null,
- "expr": null
}, - "script": "string"
}, - "effect": "EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED",
- "name": "string",
- "output": {
- "expr": "string",
- "when": {
- "ruleActivated": null,
- "conditionNotMet": null
], - "scope": "string",
- "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "derivedRoles": {
- "name": "string",
- "definitions": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "parentRoles": [
- "string"
], - "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "any": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "none": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "expr": "string"
}, - "script": "string"
], - "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "exportVariables": {
- "name": "string",
- "definitions": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "rolePolicy": {
- "role": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "rules": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "permissibleActions": [
- "string"
}, - "variables": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "$schema": "string"
{- "success": { }
Add/update policy request
required | Array of objects (v1Policy) [ 1 .. 100 ] items List of policies. |
{- "policies": [
- {
- "apiVersion": "string",
- "disabled": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "sourceFile": "string",
- "annotations": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "hash": "string",
- "storeIdentifer": "string",
- "storeIdentifier": "string",
- "sourceAttributes": {
- "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "resourcePolicy": {
- "resource": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "importDerivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "rules": [
- {
- "actions": [
- "string"
], - "derivedRoles": [
- "string"
], - "roles": [
- "string"
], - "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "any": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "none": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "expr": "string"
}, - "script": "string"
}, - "effect": "EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED",
- "name": "string",
- "output": {
- "expr": "string",
- "when": {
- "ruleActivated": "string",
- "conditionNotMet": "string"
], - "scope": "string",
- "schemas": {
- "principalSchema": {
- "ref": "string",
- "ignoreWhen": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
}, - "resourceSchema": {
- "ref": "string",
- "ignoreWhen": {
- "actions": [
- "string"
}, - "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "principalPolicy": {
- "principal": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "rules": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "string",
- "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": null,
- "any": null,
- "none": null,
- "expr": null
}, - "script": "string"
}, - "effect": "EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED",
- "name": "string",
- "output": {
- "expr": "string",
- "when": {
- "ruleActivated": null,
- "conditionNotMet": null
], - "scope": "string",
- "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "derivedRoles": {
- "name": "string",
- "definitions": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "parentRoles": [
- "string"
], - "condition": {
- "match": {
- "all": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "any": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "none": {
- "of": [
- null
}, - "expr": "string"
}, - "script": "string"
], - "variables": {
- "import": [
- "string"
], - "local": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "exportVariables": {
- "name": "string",
- "definitions": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "rolePolicy": {
- "role": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "rules": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "permissibleActions": [
- "string"
}, - "variables": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "$schema": "string"
{- "success": { }
Disable policy request
id required | Array of strings Unique identifier for the policy |
{- "id": "principal.sarah.vdefault"
{- "disabledPolicies": 0
Enable policy request
id required | Array of strings Unique identifier for the policy |
{- "id": "principal.sarah.vdefault"
{- "enabledPolicies": 0
Add/update schema request
required | Array of objects (schemav1Schema) [ 1 .. 100 ] items List of schemas. |
{- "schemas": [
- {
- "id": "principal.json",
- "definition": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": { }
{ }
Add/update schema request
required | Array of objects (schemav1Schema) [ 1 .. 100 ] items List of schemas. |
{- "schemas": [
- {
- "id": "principal.json",
- "definition": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": { }
{ }